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- How an entire forest with 2,7 million trees has been restored in 20 years —- When the Brazilian photojournalist Sebastião Salgado returned home after his traumatic assignment of reporting on genocide in Rwanda, the Minas Gerais, his home, which was once a paradise of tropical forests, had turned into a barren land with no trees and no wildlife. He and his wife Lélia founded Instituto Terra as a beacon to awaken environmental awareness of the need to restore and conserve forest land. —- Native species of trees were chosen with the aim of creating a forest of high biomass and diversity. Have returned 293 species of plants, 33 of mammals, 15 of reptiles and 15 of amphibians. —- By December 2012, the Instituto Terra had developed about 700 educational projects and brought in about 65,000 people who work in more than 170 municipalities present in the Valley of the River Doce. It covered the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, as well as reaching out to states of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. —- #sebastiaosalgado #institutoterra #aimorésminasgerais #savetherainforest

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