View this post on Instagram It was a match to remember forever. Match that had everything in it. Match that transcends our sport. I am eternally grateful to be part of it. Major respect to Roger for a titan fight. It has been quite a tennis journey for me in the last 12 months. Coming back from injury and trying to get to the level of tennis which would allow me to compete for Slams. Self belief, resilience, dedication and major support from my closest people in Life allowed me to be where I am today. I am blessed and I am aware of it. Wimbledon, it has been a great pleasure to make history and share the court with legend of our sport once more. I will keep on dreaming to still be part of these memorable moments in the future. By the way, grass tasted like never before ???????????? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bio je to meč za vek vekova. Meč koji ću doživotno pamtiti i prepričavati svojoj deci. Večna zahvalnost Nebesima što su mi dozvolili da budem deo ovakvog spektakla. U ovo meču je svega bilo. Poštovanje Federeru na velikoj borbi. Tenisko "Putovanje" u poslednjih 12 meseci je stvarno bilo fascinantno. Vraćanje tenisu od povrede, želja da se dostigne nivo tenisa koji bi mi dozvolio da se takmičim za najveće trofeje u tenisu. Vera u sebe, upornost, posvećenost i velika podrška mojih bližnjih su mi dozvolili da budem ovde danas. Blagosloven sam i veoma sam svestan toga. Bilo je zadovoljstvo stvarati istoriju na drevnim terenima Wimbledon-a i deliti teren ponovo sa legendom našeg sporta. Nastaviću da sanjam da budem deo ovako nezaboravnih trenutaka u budućnosti. Uzgred, trava je bila ukusnija nego ikad ???????????? A post shared by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Jul 15, 2019 at 10:13pm PDT
It was a match to remember forever. Match that had everything in it. Match that transcends our sport. I am eternally grateful to be part of it. Major respect to Roger for a titan fight. It has been quite a tennis journey for me in the last 12 months. Coming back from injury and trying to get to the level of tennis which would allow me to compete for Slams. Self belief, resilience, dedication and major support from my closest people in Life allowed me to be where I am today. I am blessed and I am aware of it. Wimbledon, it has been a great pleasure to make history and share the court with legend of our sport once more. I will keep on dreaming to still be part of these memorable moments in the future. By the way, grass tasted like never before ???????????? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bio je to meč za vek vekova. Meč koji ću doživotno pamtiti i prepričavati svojoj deci. Večna zahvalnost Nebesima što su mi dozvolili da budem deo ovakvog spektakla. U ovo meču je svega bilo. Poštovanje Federeru na velikoj borbi. Tenisko "Putovanje" u poslednjih 12 meseci je stvarno bilo fascinantno. Vraćanje tenisu od povrede, želja da se dostigne nivo tenisa koji bi mi dozvolio da se takmičim za najveće trofeje u tenisu. Vera u sebe, upornost, posvećenost i velika podrška mojih bližnjih su mi dozvolili da budem ovde danas. Blagosloven sam i veoma sam svestan toga. Bilo je zadovoljstvo stvarati istoriju na drevnim terenima Wimbledon-a i deliti teren ponovo sa legendom našeg sporta. Nastaviću da sanjam da budem deo ovako nezaboravnih trenutaka u budućnosti. Uzgred, trava je bila ukusnija nego ikad ????????????
A post shared by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Jul 15, 2019 at 10:13pm PDT