So, last night I spent the first night without my children coming in to my room and sleeping with me in 9 years. I'm sure a lot of people will have something to say about that but I honestly don't care. I love sleeping with my children and would do it forever if I could. Those cuddles, the kick in the face, the kisses in the morning. I live for that. However I have come to the realisation that as much as I love it, I also value my sleep, and relationship and I know that with extra special people coming into my life there simply isn't enough room for us all and everybody benefits from a good nights sleep. So, as daunting as it was change for me (selfishly) it was an even bigger change for the boys, so I hunted and hunted and found @andersons.themes.and.dreams who I got to design this incredible dream bed with to ease the transition. The truth is I didn't realise how easy it would be. I didn't even have to spend the usual 35 minutes saying "half an hour boys, 20 minutes now, come on bed time boys, bed time BED TIME" they were asking me "is it bed time yet mummy" and at 7pm they ran up chose there bunks and went to sleep. I assumed the novelty would wear off and they'd wake up in the night and come in but, I woke up to an empty bed after a full nights sleep and to my surprise there they were fast asleep in their bed. As happy as I am that this is the next phase and they're loving it (especially thanks to their amazing bed). I can't help but feel a little sad that that's probably the first day of the rest of my child free bed time life ????

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