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I never thought i could love a sculpture this much... I will miss you, I already do... made out of broken metal of broken tents, but to many of us you meant so much more... At least for me, You symbolized love, strength, rebirth... on a personal level, you changed my life, made me discover the artist inside of me that was longing to break free and fly and create more and more... I never knew the power of my imagination and stubbornness and craziness...You were my first sculpture ever, but you are much more than metal, I see a soul in you, I see the pride of a broken bird, insisting to live, in dignity and beauty, against all odds... I wish I was able to protect you... preserve you for future generations, to see what the FREE Lebanese protestors were able to build, out of trash, without equipment and materials, with zero funding, but with so much love, hope and strength... I will miss you, I already do ????

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