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You would have been 3 weeks old today. You would be "waking up" and showing us more of you. I would be getting the hang of being a mom of two. My milk would be regulating to your schedule. Your sister would be asking questions about your belly button and you would have peed on her at least once by now. Daddy would be sending texts to his football buddies about how our giant baby boy could probably already out-lift them. We would be laughing that you never fit into newborn diapers, not even for one day. I'd be exhausted, leaking, and happy. Instead... we're missing you. To all my fellow "instead" mamas.... thank you for reminding me that we're not alone, and that we can survive this. He didn't, but we have to. And we will.

Публикация, споделена от Kara Bosworth (@karakeoughboz) на